Memento Mori Journal #9
Day 9 — Smile Back At Death
“Death smiles at every man, and all a man can do is smile back.” — Unknown
In other words, you have an expiry date on your head, a set time when death will come to claim you.
Every so often you’ll become more aware of this: when someone dear to you passes, when you get into an accident, when you look in the mirror and notice aging taking its place.
In these moments, death is smiling at you, reminding you of the inevitable.
To smile back at it means to recognize that you’ll meet death in the future, but for now, you will seize your time.
You’ll live like this day was your last.
As far as you know, it could very well be.

Question to journal on:
- If this was your last day on earth, how would you like to live it?
- With who would you spend it with?
- Which activities would you do?
- What do you wish you did more of?
Answer these questions and you’ll quickly realize what you should do more of, and who you should spend more time with.
If you’re wise, you’ll turn these thoughts into actions.
Farewell and best of luck.