Memento Mori Journal #3
Day 3 — Building Continues
Habit makes the man, not what he does only once.
As such, we should never underestimate the power of repeated actions. After all, they define who we are.
More importantly, they define who we will become.
On the one hand, you can walk the path of discomfort, the one that gets you to wake up early, work out religiously, and pursue the goals that truly matter to you.
The path of progress.
Or, you can choose the path of comfort, the path that guides you towards procrastination, social media, porn, and isolation from all difficulties possible.
The path of self-destruction.
Never forget that every action you take is defining the man you will become. As such, you better make him proud.

Questions To Journal On:
- Did you complete the task you set yesterday? How do you feel now? Describe it in detail
If you didn’t complete the task:
- What made you skip the task?
- Was this an acceptable excuse? Be honest
- What will happen 1 year from now if you keep delaying? What about in 5–10 years?
- Is this what you want for yourself? Why yes/not?
- Schedule the task again and make sure to do it. You got this.
If you completed the task:
- Assuming you keep taking steps towards this goal, where could you be in 1 year from now? What about 5–10 years?
- How would you feel then?
- What would you be able to do then that you cannot do right now?
- What is the next logical step to take in the pursuit of this journey?
- Schedule the step into your agenda.
Farewell and best of luck.