Memento Mori Journal #2

Memento Mori


Day 2 – Every Step Matters

There are plenty of graves, filled with regret, that began with a simple “I’ll do it tomorrow”.

Businesses that were never started, trips that were never taken, and important conversations that were never had.

Fundamentally, lives that were not fulfilled.

You may scoff at this with the excuse that there’s still plenty of time, that time is an abundant resource for you, and that you may be right.

However, if you speak with any older person, you’ll realize that time flies. Today you’re 25 and tomorrow you’re 65.

As such, don’t underestimate the power that a good action toward your future can have, no matter how small.

Within it, lies the seed of all your personal growth.

Questions To Journal On:

Did you complete the tasks you scheduled yesterday? If not, schedule them again.

What’s a pursuit you’ve been delaying, that you feel would have a massive impact on your life (business, side hustle, gym, etc)?

What would be the impact if you were 100% consistent with the pursuit of this goal?

How will you suffer if you keep delaying this?

What’s a small thing you can do today to start pursuing this goal? Schedule it into your day.

Once again, don’t underestimate the impact this small step can have.

Your future-self will thank you.

Farewell and best of luck.



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