Memento Mori Journal #7
Day 7 – Weekly Review
Personally, fulfillment comes through sensing progress on a path that is meaningful to me.
There’s no feeling quite like looking back and seeing how much better things are today.
Especially knowing you were the sole responsible for it.
This is what we’re all after.
The problem is that we’ll hit plateaus along the way, obstacles that seem insurmountable.
The natural instinct for most is to go harder at it, hoping this will be the solution.
And to be fair, for some of the obstacles, this is a perfect solution. Sometimes you just need to give it time.
However, the more you progress, the less this becomes true.
Once you’ve been consistent for quite some time, you need to look further.
You need to critically analyze your efforts and figure out the elements that need to be changed and improved.
Most people never do this.
They do the same things they’ve always done and, consequentially, never get past the level their at.
They never truly fulfill their potential.

If you wish to maintain constant progress throughout your life, then you must begin reviewing your efforts.
The more you do this, the fewer plateaus you’ll encounter.
With that said, today the journaling is all about reviewing the week that passed and how you can improve upon it.
Question to journal on:
What went wrong this past week, consistency-wise, with your:
- Workouts/Fitness?
- - Work/Studies?
- - Business?
- - Hobbies?
- - Relationships?
Detail the habits you weren’t consistent with.
And what went well, consistency-wise?
(Use the same from above)
What went wrong this past week, focus/execution-wise, with your:
- Workouts/Fitness?
- - Work/Studies?
- - Business?
- - Hobbies?
- - Relationships?
Detail the habits/actions you didn’t perform as well as you’d like to
And what went well, execution-wise?
(Use the same from above)
How can you improve next week to fix the consistency + execution flaws?
Is there anything you should implement that falls outside of this?
Go ahead and schedule the implementation of these fixed into your schedule.
The more you do this, the more apparent progress will become
Farewell and best of luck.